Past Seminar Talks
Fermionic structures in random lattice models
Complex spin systems and graphical models and Different types of percolation for graphical models
Limiting distributions of last passage percolation models in half space
Preferential attachment networks with fitness and Structural properties of super-linear preferential attachment trees with fitness
Cycle lengths of random permutation models and A two-table theorem for a disordered version of the Chinese restaurant process
Disagreement coupling of Gibbs processes
Invariance Principle for the Lorentz Gas Beyond the Kinetic Time Scales
(Near-)critical behavior of a strongly correlated percolation model
Large deviations of the size of the giant component in boxes for long range percolation and other spatial random graphs
Noise sensitivity and chaos in many variable systems
Mean field stable matchings
Maria Deijfen (Stockholm University)
Local limits and preferential attachment graphs
Exploration-driven networks
Limit profiles for Markov chains, part 1
Limit profiles for Markov chains, part 2
Percolation on sparse random graphs with given degree sequences
Percolation on random graphs with high degree sequences
Dimerisation in mirror models and quantum spin chains, part 1
Jakob Björnberg (Gothenburg University and Chalmers University of Technology)
Dimerisation in mirror models and quantum spin chains, part 2
Kieran Ryan (Aalto University)
Optimal structures in random graphs
Spectrum of inhomogeneous random graphs
Entropic Selection in Optimal Transport
Marcel Nutz (Columbia University)
Exponential convergence of Sinkhorn's algorithm and Hilbert's projective metric for unbounded functions
Planar aggregation with subcritical fluctuations and the Hastings-Levitov models
Analysis of stochastic evolutions in infinite dimensions: application to stability of the Hastings-Levitov models
Coexistence in competing first-passage percolation
Thomas Finn (Durham University)
Conformally Invariant Random Geometry on Manifolds of Even Dimension
Karl-Theodore Sturm (University of Bonn)
Eva Kopfer (University of Bonn)
Stochastic Quantisation of Yang-Mills
Invariant measure and universality of the 2D Yang-Mills Langevin dynamic
Renewal contact process and contact process on dynamic random environments
Daniel Valesin (University of Warwick)
Large Deviations Principles for Interacting Particle Systems on Locally Tree-Like Graphs
Kavita Ramanan (Brown University)
A new approach to the cutoff phenomenon
Out-of-equilibrium phenomena, stochastic PDEs and Gaussian limits
Weak coupling scaling of critical SPDEs
Modelling the evolution of genetic diversity in a population living in a spatial continuum
Constructing a stochastic population genetics process for populations expanding in a spatial continuum
Stake-governed random-turn games
The Arboreal Gas
Metastability for the Widom-Rowlinson model:
I. Planar discs
I. Planar discs