Past Seminar Talks

Large deviations of the size of the giant component in boxes for long range percolation and other spatial random graphs

Julia Komjathy (Delft University of Technology)


Joost Jorritsma (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amterdam)


Noise sensitivity and chaos in many variable systems

Daniel Ahlberg (Stockholm University)


Mean field stable matchings

Maria Deijfen (Stockholm University)


Local limits and preferential attachment graphs

Mariana Olvera-Cravioto (UNC Chapel Hill)


Exploration-driven networks

Sayan Banerjee (UNC Chapel Hill)


Limit profiles for Markov chains, part 1

Evita Nestoridi (Stony Brook University)


Limit profiles for Markov chains, part 2

Dominik Schmid (University of Bonn)


Percolation on sparse random graphs with given degree sequences  

Nikolaous Fountoulakis (University of Birmingham)


Percolation on random graphs with high degree sequences 

Guillem Perarnau (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)


Dimerisation in mirror models and quantum spin chains, part 1

Jakob Björnberg (Gothenburg University and Chalmers University of Technology)


Dimerisation in mirror models and quantum spin chains, part 2

Kieran Ryan (Aalto University)


Optimal structures in random graphs  

Clara Stegehuis (Twente University)


Spectrum of inhomogeneous random graphs 

Rajat Hazra (University of Leiden)


Entropic Selection in Optimal Transport

Marcel Nutz (Columbia University)


Exponential convergence of Sinkhorn's algorithm and Hilbert's projective metric for unbounded functions

Stephan Eckstein (ETH Zuerich)


Planar aggregation with subcritical fluctuations and the Hastings-Levitov models

Vittoria Silvestri (Sapienza University of Rome)


Analysis of stochastic evolutions in infinite dimensions: application to stability of the Hastings-Levitov models

James Norris (University of Cambridge)


Coexistence in competing first-passage percolation

Elisabetta Candellero (Universita Roma Tre)


Thomas Finn (Durham University)


Conformally Invariant Random Geometry on Manifolds of Even Dimension

Karl-Theodore Sturm (University of Bonn)


Eva Kopfer (University of Bonn)


Stochastic Quantisation of Yang-Mills

Martin Hairer (EPFL and Imperial College London)


Invariant measure and universality of the 2D Yang-Mills Langevin dynamic

Hao Shen (University of Wisconsin-Madison) 


Renewal contact process and contact process on dynamic random environments

Maria Eulàlia Vares (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)


Daniel Valesin (University of Warwick)


Large Deviations Principles for Interacting Particle Systems on Locally Tree-Like Graphs

Kavita Ramanan (Brown University)


A new approach to the cutoff phenomenon

Justin Salez (Université Paris-Dauphine & PSL):


Out-of-equilibrium phenomena, stochastic PDEs and Gaussian limits 

Fabio Toninelli (Technical University of Vienna)


Weak coupling scaling of critical SPDEs

Giuseppe Cannizzaro (University of Warwick)



Milton Jara (IMPA)


Otávio Menezes (UFBA, Salvador)


Modelling the evolution of genetic diversity in a population living in a spatial continuum

Amandine Veber (Université Paris Cité)


Constructing a stochastic population genetics process for populations expanding in a spatial continuum

Apolline Louvet (University of Bath)


Stake-governed random-turn games

Alan Hammond (Berkeley) 


The Arboreal Gas

Tyler J. Helmuth (Durham University)


Metastability for the Widom-Rowlinson model:
I. Planar discs

Elena Pulvirenti (TU Delft)


II. Grains of general shape

Frank den Hollander (Universiteit Leiden)


A mean-field version of Bank-El Karoui's representation of stochastic processes

Xiaolu Tan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)


Mean-field Optimization regularized by Fisher Information

Zhenjie Ren (Université Paris-Dauphine)


Advances on regularisation of singular SDEs by fractional noise

Lucio Galeati (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)


The problem of regularization by noise of fluid dynamic equations

Franco Flandoli (Scuola Normale Superiore)


Recent progress on loop-erased random walk and uniform spanning tree in three dimensions

Daisuke Shiraishi (Kyoto University)


Anomalous scaling regime for one-dimensional Mott variable-range hopping

David Croydon (Kyoto University)


Toward an effective theory for non-Markovian multi-scale stochastic systems

Xue-Mei Li (Imperial College London)


Rough Stochastic Differential Equation

Peter Friz (TU and WIAS Berlin)


Using regularity to estimate Lyapunov exponents 

Sam Punshon-Smith (Tulane University)


Non-unique ergodicity for deterministic and stochastic 3D Navier--Stokes and Euler equations

Martina Hofmanova (Bielefeld University)


Spectral phases of Erdös-Rényi graphs

Antti Knowles (Geneva)


Raphaël Ducatez (ENS Lyon)


Some aspects of the Anderson Hamiltonian with white noise

Cyril Labbé (Université Paris Cité)


Laure Dumaz (ENS)


Solution of the polynuclear growth model

Daniel Remenik (Universidad de Chile)


Exactly solvable determinantal processes in the KPZ universality class

Konstantin Matetski (Columbia)


Scaling limit of the two-dimensional discrete Gaussian model at high temperatures

Pierre-François Rodriguez (Imperial)


Jiwoon Park (Cambridge)


About the continuous random energy model and the discrete Gaussian free field

Lisa Hartung (Mainz)


Maximilian Fels (Technion)


Limit of large Bienaymé-Galton-Watson trees and Brownian continuum trees

Jean-François Delmas (École des Ponts ParisTech)


Additive functionals of large Bienaymé-Galton-Watsons and their connection with Lévy trees

Michel Nassif (École des Ponts ParisTech)


Characterisation theorems around the Gaussian free field

Juhan Aru (EPFL)


Ellen Powell (Durham)


Wilson loop expectations as sums over surfaces in 2D

Scott Sheffield (MIT)


Minjae Park (MIT)


Delocalization in the integer-valued Gaussian Field and the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase of the 2D Villain model

Michael Aizenman (Princeton)


Jacob Shapiro (Princeton)


Monotonicity is special for continuous-time random walks on groups

Russell Lyons (Indiana University)


Erdos-Renyi random graphs and applications to Coxeter groups

Jason Behrstock (City University of New York)


Introduction to free probabilities

Guillaume Cébron (Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier)


Computational aspects of free probabilities

Camille Male (Université de Bordeaux)


Crossing Probabilities in 2D Critical Lattice Models

Hao Wu (Tsinghua University)


Boundary Correlation Functions in 2D Critical Models

Eveliina Peltola (Aalto University and University of Bonn)


Geodesic stars in Brownian geometry

Jean-François Le Gall (Université Paris-Saclay)


Scaling limit of planar maps with large faces

Nicolas Curien (Université Paris-Saclay)


Edge flip Markov chains on triangulations and random planar maps

Alexandre Stauffer (Università Roma Tre)


Alessandra Caraceni (Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa)


The Breuer-Major theorem: old and new

Ivan Nourdin (University of Luxembourg)


Wiener chaos and the geometry of random fields

Giovanni Peccati (University of Luxembourg)


Branching processes forward and backward in varying environment

Sandra Palau (National Autonomous University of Mexico)


Λ-selection and where to find it

Adrián González Casanova (National Autonomous University of Mexico)


Renormalisation and disorder: a simple toy model (I)

Bernard Derrida (Collège de France, ENS Paris)


Renormalisation and disorder: a simple toy model (II)

Zhan Shi (Chinese Academy of Sciences)


Probability theory for the random graph

Persi Diaconis (Stanford)


The random walk on the random graph

Laurent Miclo (Toulouse)


Fixation of slightly beneficial alleles from a backward and a forward perspective

Speaker: Cornelia Pokalyuk and Anton Wakolbinger (Goethe Universitat)

Date: 2021.06.24

Sparse random graphs with unusually large subgraph counts

Speaker: Amir Dembo (Stanford)

Date: 2021.06.17

Large deviations and the regularity method for the Erdős–Rényi (hyper)graph

Speaker: Nick Cook (Duke)

Date: 2021.06.17

Phase transitions in random constraint satisfaction problems - part I

Speaker: Nike Sun (MIT)

Date: 2021.06.10

Phase transitions in random constraint satisfaction problems - part II

Speaker: Allan Sly (Princeton)

Date: 2021.06.10

The topology of the elastic manifold

Speaker: Gerard Ben Arous (NYU)

Date: 2021.06.03

Random determinants beyond invariance

Speaker: Ben McKenna (NYU)

Date: 2021.06.03

Opinion Exchange Dynamics

Speaker: Elchanan Mossel (MIT)

Date: 2021.05.27

Long-term behavior in opinion dynamics: clustering vs. consensus and local vs. global

Speaker: Timo Vilkas (GU/Chalmers)

Date: 2021.05.27

Branching particle systems and front propagation

Speaker: Pascal Maillard (Université Toulouse III)

Date: 2021.05.20

Brownian bees in the infinite swarm limit

Speaker: Sarah Penington (University of Bath)

Date: 2021.05.20

The stable graph: the scaling limit of critical random graphs with i.i.d. random degrees having power-law tails

Speaker: Christina Goldschmidt (University of Oxford)

Date: 2021.05.06

Distributional properties of the stable graphs

Speaker: Bénédicte Haas (Université Paris 13)

Date: 2021.05.06

Tail behavior of the derivative martingale in a branching random walk

Speaker: Bastien Mallein (Université Paris 13)

Date: 2021.04.29

Deviation probabilities for maximum of a branching random walk

Speaker: Hui He (Beijing Normal University)

Date: 2021.04.29

Percolation phase transition in random connection models I: Subcritical phase in weight-dependent models

Speaker: Peter Mörters (Universitat Koeln)

Date: 2021.04.15

Percolation phase transition in random connection models II: Critical behaviour for weight-independent models

Speaker: Markus Heydenreich (LMU München)

Date: 2021.04.15

Phase transitions for $\phi^4_3$ - Part 1

Speaker: Hendrik Weber (University of Bath)

Date: 2021.03.25

Phase transitions for $\phi^4_3$ - Part 2

Speaker: Trish Gunaratnam (University of Geneva)

Date: 2021.03.25

Stein’s density approach

Speaker: Yvik Swan (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Date: 2021.03.18

Stein’s method for multivariate continuous distributions and some statistical applications

Speaker: Gesine Reinert (University of Oxford)

Date: 2021.03.18

Limit Theorems for Historical Particle Systems

Speaker: Viet Chi Tran (Université  Gustave Eiffel)

Date: 2021.03.11

Historical Processes and Dynamics of Phylogenies in a Population with Climate Change

Speaker: Sylvie Méléard (École Polytechnique, Paris)

Date: 2021.03.11

Optimal Transport and Gradient Flows in Discrete or Non-Local Settings

Speaker: Matthias Erbar (Bielefeld University)

Date: 2021.03.04

Optimal Transport: from Discrete to Continuous

Speaker: Jan Maas (IST Austria)

Date: 2021.03.04

Interplay between Dirichlet and Loewner energies: cutting-welding operations and foliations by Weil-Petersson quasicircles - Part 1

Speaker: Fredrik Viklund (KTH)

Date: 2021.02.25

Interplay between Dirichlet and Loewner energies: cutting-welding operations and foliations by Weil-Petersson quasicircles - Part 2

Speaker: Yilin Wang (MIT)

Date: 2021.02.25

The multi-tiling model

Speaker: Richard Kenyon (Yale)

Date: 2021.02.18

Introduction to random plane geometry

Speaker: Bálint Virág (University of Toronto)

Date: 2021.02.11

Building the directed landscape

Speaker: Duncan Dauvergne (Princeton University)

Date: 2021.02.11

Box ball system: soliton decompositions and invariant measures

Speaker: Davide Gabrielli (University of L'Aquila)

Date: 2021.02.04

Soliton dynamics in the Box-Ball system

Speaker: Pablo A. Ferrari (Universidad de Buenos Aires)

Date: 2021.02.04

Universality results for interacting particle systems with  dynamical constraints

Speaker: Cristina  Toninelli (Université Paris Dauphine)

Date: 2021.01.28

Sharp threshold for the FA-2f kinetically constrained model

Speaker: Fabio Martinelli (Università Roma Tre )

Date: 2021.01.28

Some stochastic PDEs for the future

Speaker: Lorenzo Zambotti (Sorbonne Université)

Date: 2021.01.21

Hairer's Reconstruction Theorem without Regularity Structures

Speaker: Francesco Caravenna (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Date: 2021.01.21

Coulomb gases: a short introduction

Speaker: Thomas Leblé (CNRS - Université de Paris (MAP5))

Date: 2021.01.14

Local laws and fluctuations for Coulomb gases

Speaker: Sylvia Serfaty (NYU Courant)

Date: 2021.01.14

Spectral gap and Log-Sobolev inequality for strongly correlated spin models

Speaker: Thierry Bodineau (École Polytechnique)

Date: 2020.12.17

Speaker: Roland Bauerschmidt (Cambridge)

Date: 2020.12.17

Scaling limits for symmetric exclusion with open boundary

Speakers: Patricia Gonçalves (Instituto Superior Técnico)

Date: 2020.12.10

Derivation of coupled KPZ-Burgers equation from multispecies Zero-range processes

Speakers: Cedric Bernardin (Université Côte dÁzur)

Date: 2020.12.10

A review for random field Ising model

Speaker: Jian Ding (University of Pennsylvania)

Date: 2020.12.03

Correlation length for two-dimensional random field Ising model via greedy lattice animal

Speaker: Mateo Wirth (University of Pennsylvania)

Date: 2020.12.03

Logarithmically correlated fields in random matrix theory and analytic number theory

Speakers: Paul Bourgade (NYU)

Date: 2020.11.19

Central limit theorem for the characteristic polynomial of general beta-ensembles

Speakers: Michel Pain (NYU)

Date: 2020.11.19

Metastability as Markov chains model reduction

Speaker: Claudio Landim (IMPA)

Date: 2020.11.12

Metastability of stochastic interacting systems

Speaker: Insuk Seo (Seoul National University)

Date: 2020.11.12

2-scale  convergence for random walks in random environment and applications to homogenization, hydrodynamics and resistor networks

Speakers: Alessandra Faggionato (University La Sapienza)

Date: 2020.11.05

Some exponents governing the geometry of planar last passage percolation and the directed landscape (part 1)

Speaker: Riddhipratim Basu (International Centre for Theoretical Sciences Tata)

Date: 2020.10.29

Some exponents governing the geometry of planar last passage percolation and the directed landscape (part 2)

Speaker: Shirshendu Ganguly (U. C. Berkeley)

Date: 2020.10.29

Abelian Sandpiles and Abelian Networks

Speaker: Lionel Levine (Cornell University)

Date: 2020.10.22

Activated Random Walks

Speaker: Leonardo Rolla (NYU-Shanghai, IMAS-Conicet, Warwick)

Date: 2020.10.22

2D anisotropic KPZ at stationarity

Speaker: Dirk Erhard  (Universidade Federal Da Bahia)

Date: 2020.10.15

The Ferroelectric Six-Vertex Model

Speaker: Amol Aggarwal (Clay Mathematics Institute and Columbia University)

Date: 2020.10.15

Hydrodynamic limit of nongradient models

Speaker: Makiko Sasada (University of Tokyo)

Date: 2020.10.08

Geometric perspective for the theory of hydrodynamic limits

Speaker: Kenichi Bannai (Keio University)

Date: 2020.10.08

Scaling limits of disorder relevant systems

Speaker: Rongfeng Sun (National University of Singapore)

Date: 2020.10.01

The two-dimensional continuum random field Ising model

Speaker: Adam Bowditch (University College Dublin)

Date: 2020.10.01

Yang-Mills on the lattice: New results and open problems

Speaker: Sourav Chatterjee (Stanford)

Date: 2020.09.24

Large deviations in random matrix theory

Speaker: Alice Guionnet (ENS Lyon)

Date: 2020.09.17

Large deviation principles via spherical integrals

Speaker: Jiaoyang Huang (NYU, Courant Institute)

Date: 2020.09.17

Localization and concentration of measures on the discrete hypercube with applications to interacting particle systems

Speaker: Ronen Eldan (Weizmann Institute)

Date: 2020.07.09

Excited martingales

Speaker: Omer Angel (Vancouver)

Date: 2020.07.02

Fluctuations of random surfaces and concentration inequalities for log-concave distributions

Speaker: Ron Peled (Tel Aviv)

Date: 2020.07.02

Random walks on dynamical random environments with non-uniform mixing 

Speakers: Augusto Teixeira (Rio) & Marcelo Hilário (Belo Horizonte)

Date: 2020.06.25

Basic reproduction numbers, effective reproduction numbers and herd immunity

Speaker: Tom Britton (Stockholm)

Date: 2020.06.18

Probabilistic models related to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

Speakers: Amaury Lambert & Emmanuel Schertzer (Paris)

Date: 2020.06.18

A new point of view on topological phase transitions

Speakers: Christophe Garban and Avelio Sepúlveda (Lyon)

Date: 2020.06.11

Matching Random Points

Speaker: Alexander Holroyd

Date: 2020.06.04

Branching Brownian Motion, mean curvature flow and the motion of hybrid zones

Speaker: Alison Etheridge

Date: 2020.06.04

Large values of the Riemann zeta function in short intervals

Speaker: Louis-Pierre Arguin

Date: 2020.05.28

Supervised Learning between Function Spaces

Speaker: Andrew Stuart (Caltech)

Date: 2020.05.28

Learning with total variation regularization

Speaker: Sara van der Geer (Zurich)

Date: 2020.05.21

A Gaussian particle distribution for branching Brownian motion with an inhomogeneous branching rate

Speaker: Jason Schweinsberg (San Diego)

Date: 2020.05.21

Critical first-passage percolation

Speakers: Louigi Addario-Berry (Montreal) and Jack Hanson (New York).

Date: 2020.05.14

On the speed of a front for stochastic reaction-diffusion equations

Speaker: Leonid Mytnik (Haifa)

Date: 2020.05.07

Mixing times for the simple exclusion process with open boundaries 

Speaker: Nina Gantert (Munich)

Date: 2020.05.07

Integrable fluctuations in 1+1 dimensional random growth

Speaker: Jeremy Quastel (Toronto)

Date: 2020.04.30

The scaling limit for directed polymers in an alpha-stable environment

Speaker: Hubert Lacoin (Rio de Janairo and Marseille)

Date: 2020.04.30

Fast non mean-field network: uniform in time averaging

Speaker: Michela Ottobre (Edinburgh)

Date: 2020.04.23

All adapted topologies are equal

Speaker: Mathias Beiglböck (Vienna)

Date: 2020.04.23

Information diffusion on random graphs

Speaker: Remco van der Hofstad (Eindhoven)

Date: 2020.04.16

Scaling limits for planar aggregation with subcritical fluctuations

Speaker: Amanda Turner (Lancaster)

Date: 2020.04.16

Mean-field disordered systems and Hamilton-Jacobi equations

Speaker: Jean-Christophe Mourrat (New York)

Date: 2020.04.09

Cardy embedding of random planar maps

Speaker: Nina Holden (Zürich)

Date: 2020.04.09

Gaussianity of the 4D Ising model at criticality

Speaker: Hugo Duminil-Copin (Paris and Geneva)

Date: 2020.04.02

On statistical Calderon problems

Speaker: Richard Nickl (Cambridge)

Date: 2020.04.02

Random walks on random planar maps and Liouville Brownian motion

Speaker: Nathanael Berestycki (Vienna)

Date: 2020.03.26

Entrance and exit at infinity for stable jump diffusions

Speaker: Andreas Kyprianou (Bath)

Date: 2020.03.26

Optimal structures in random graphs